Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year, New Eyenstein of the week

Welcome back Eyensteins!

Hopefully everyone had an amazing two weeks off! Congrats to our first Eyenstein pick of the Year, Danny Head!! Couldn't think of a better person to set the tone for this upcoming year! I know it's going to a blast!

Here's how my interview with Danny went:

1. Where do you find inspiration for your Photoshop masterpieces?

Danny: "Honestly, it's more of a spontaneous thing. Some pictures just hit me as hilarious if they were taken a different way...and I just make it so. Masterpieces though? I'll take the compliment!"

Danny's favorite Photoshop

2. What are your other hobbies/hidden talents?

Danny: "Tennis, tennis and more tennis...That and school are pretty mcuh my only current responsibilities in life. My childhood hobbies that have stuck with me through are geography and gymnastics but I think I was too frail and tall (even though I'm normal height in real life) so I just now really get into geography."

Danny doing a backflip

3. What song best describes you and why?

Danny: "I'm pretty sure Jacqueline Byrd asked me at some point and I still don't have a good answer so I asked a friend: I was told Titanium by Sia; their reasoning was that I have titanium plates making up a good portion of my left orbital but also because I play it before I go out and attempt to dance. So we'll go with titanium. That's the closest I can get."

4. How did you spend your holidays?

Danny: "I binge watch tv, experiment with cooking (tried Paella-realized I don't like saffron), and tennis'd it up with my crew. I did go to san Diego and learned to dislike it less."

The young man and the sea

5. Tell us something we don't know about you.

Danny: " I never got into pizza, I'm a great uncle, I know the countries in Alphabetical Order (except for new countries formed after like 2000)...Well I just got stumped after SaudiArabia so 3/4's of the world in alphabetical order..."
Coree sings "he's got the whole world in his hands" :)

Coming up this week…
Monday 1/5
First day back from Winter Break
Tuesday 1/6

Wednesday 1/7
12pm TA Case Analysis Review
Thursday 1/8
8am Case Analysis Midterm
Don’t forget to finish up the Case Analysis Online Midterm Portion by 12am Friday, aka Thursday night.
Friday 1/9

  • In case you forgot we have proficiencies (Analysis, Keratometry, Lid Eversion) coming up in Contact Lens Lab (1/12-1/16) and our final RGPs are due on January 12th by 5pm.
  • Practice supplies for Contact Lens are available for checkout in the library.
  • We have some events coming up this January so stay tuned!
    • Badge Reel/Penlight fundraiser has been extended -- New Deadline: Wednesday, January 14th -- Payments made by Cash/Check to “SCCO Class of 2017”/Venmo to Sarah Kim.
    • Blaze Pizza Fundraiser - Thursday, January 22nd, 5-10pm

Cheers to 2015!!!

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