Monday, June 15, 2015

Your new EYEnstein Class Cabinet!

The new class cabinet is excited to make third year the most memorable year at SCCO yet! 

Secretaries: Ashley Nickell and Samantha Kamo
Ask them about: Google calendar and scheduling

Treasurer: Ivan Yong
Ask him about: Budgeting, if you paid for something, accounting-related questions

Vice Presidents: Emma Ly and Jaymie Niida
Ask them about: Fundraisers, end-of-the-year banquet

President: Mitul Patel
Ask him about: Questions you have for the faculty, questions about clinic, questions about daily life as an EYEnstein, etc. 

and last, but not least...

Historian: Casper, the friendly ghost
Ask him about: How you can replace him because you know you can do a better job than him

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