Sunday, July 5, 2015

EYEnstein of the Week: Emma Ly!

Get to know your co-VP Emma Ly a little better!

1. Pick one: The Bay Area or SoCal. Why?

Bay Area!! because Socal is too hot.

2. Tell us about your internship at SUNY last summer?

SUNY summer internship started out as my excuse for visiting and exploring New York, but I ended up really liking the program. My research project was to work on developing a new glaucoma test using visually evoked potentials (VEP). Specifically, my job for the summer was to gather subjects, run the test and build up the normative data.

The best part about it was being able to schedule work at my own hrs, so I was able to plan out my time to be a tourist :)

3. What has been your favorite class in optometry school so far?

Optics, because I love Bailey! "right? I mean, correct?"

4. Do you plan on dancing at talent show again?

It was really fun dancing at talent show, but I'd only do it again if I get to do it with my old crew :)

5. Tell us something we don't know about you.

I don't like sweets, yes that includes ice cream. Im weird.

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