Sunday, June 14, 2015

EOTW: Evelyn Lee!

1. Congrats on your 1 year wedding anniversary! How has being a married student been for the past year?

Even though second year was so busy and so hectic we still found time to enjoy what people call the “honey moon” period of a marriage. John and I have been together for nearly 11 years, and we’ve gone through so much together. I appreciate how supportive he’s been ever since I decided that I wanted to quit my job, sell our house, move to Fullerton and start another four year program. We’re looking forward to a relaxing, wonderful summer vacation once I graduate.

2. Tell us about your pets.

Where do I start?! I love animals so much! I’d be the crazy dog lady if I had the time, space and money to have lots of pets. We currently have 3 shiba inus and 2 tortoises. Ravioli is the tri-colored dog, Roxy is the red one, and Riley is the white one. Riley is the love child of Ravi and Roxy. She’s a crazy one! They are my babies and I love them so much. I spoil them as much as possible. About 6 months ago, we added 2 leopard tortoises to our family; Charlie and Stanley II.  I am told that they will end up weighing about 40 pounds and live about 65 years. Looks like they may end up outliving me.

3. What is your favorite thing to do on days you don't have clinic (aside from studying when tests come around)?

Don’t judge me…. But school is exhausting. And I love watching TV, so whenever I have time, I try to catch up on my shows. I’m a big fan of serial killer storylines, so I currently love The Fall (sometimes it’s tough to understand those Irish boys when they talk fast, but I’m ok with that), Hannibal and Bates Motel. Before I started 2nd year of school, I was really into running. I loved training for half marathons. Sure 13.1 miles sounds crazy, but trust me, it’s not as crazy as a full marathon. My wall of bibs and medals give me something to look forward to. Once I am able to fully commit to training again, I will definitely sign up for more races. I miss running because it helped me feel relaxed, strong and healthy.

4. What's your favorite city in the world?

This one is a tough one because I love to travel, but I did fall in love with the city of Westminster in London when John and I were there for our honeymoon. Everything about the city was so beautiful and the architecture blew me away. Plus, its home to the Sherlock Holmes museum, so that makes the city even better. Anyone know what I need to do in order to practice optometry in London? I don’t think I’d ever be brave enough to move to London.

5. Tell us something we don't know about you.

Wait! Who’s the teacher in this picture? Sometimes I really miss teaching. I taught 8th grade science in San Diego for 7 years. The best part of teaching was always hearing about the students’ success stories. The seniors would come back to visit me and ask for advice on how to pick which college they should attend in the fall. It’s pretty neat to say that some of my former students are at prestigious universities. As cheesy as it sounds, I was always meant to help others and make a positive impact on their lives, so I will always look back at my teaching career with fond memories.

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