Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Week 6!

Have you been keeping up with Christina Nguyen lately? Our belated Birthday girl wants to read your mind with her superpowers, but have no fear because a simple piece of fruit is her kryptonite. Intrigued?

Here's how her interview went:

1. If you can have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Probably telepathy. I think it'd be really interesting to see what everyone's secretly thinking. That and I'm also really nosy hahaha.

2. What can we find you doing when you're not studying hard?

If I'm not studying (which is all the time), I'm probably eating something. I'm a huge foodie so I love going out to eat and trying new foods! Let's be real, my future profits as an optometrist are all going toward food.

3. What is something we don't know about you?

I'm allergic to fruit! It's not deathly, and there's no anaphylaxis or anything, but my throat will swell up/get itchy and my lips can get red and swollen as well. Not like any of this stops me from eating fruit anyway haha.

4. What's your guilty pleasure?

Oh my god, I love trashy reality shows. But not just any trashy reality shows. Trashy reality shows about rich people. My favorites are Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Vanderpump Rules. If anyone else watches them, we should have a viewing party

5. If you were given $1 million dollars what would you do with it and why?

If I was given a million dollars, I would definitely give at least half of it to my parents. They came from Vietnam with nothing and worked hard to build the life that they have now. They've sacrificed everything they ever had for me, and I want to be able to pay them back one day. As for the other half of the money...that would probably be spent paying off my student loans hahaha cry.

Happy Easter Sunday Eyensteins!!
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend with friends and family :) We have another busy week ahead.

  1. I've heard that many people want a re-vote on moving the Non-Strab BV midterm. I'm assuming it's because we got our Disease MT results and people are more worried about the second midterm. I made a new form to vote for the Non-Strab BV midterm, just as before we would need 75% of the votes to be in-favor or not-in-favor of moving the midterm. Keep in mind that I already notified both Dr. Chu and Dr. Barnhardt that we were all okay with moving the midterm... so I will have to meet with them on Monday to see if they've honored my previous request. With that being said, everyone who cares at all about the matter, please vote by 10pm tomorrow (Sunday, April 4th).
  2. The summer and fall clinic schedules are out! See email from Connie Phung for details.
  3. OHP Final Proficiency - I am working closely on this with Dr. Lu at the moment… she is trying to push in our favor as much as possible! As of right now we will be having the Final Proficiency Week 10 (Mon/Tues) and retakes will take place on Thursday, May 7th (Finals Week 1). We will know the official schedule, individual time slots, and groups soon!! - Stay Tuned.
  4. Join us for our annual End of the Year Banquet! This year we will have it at LUCKY STRIKE Bowling Alley/ Bar on Thursday, May 21st, 2015 from 8pm-11pm. Your ticket will get you free bowling on private lanes rented for the event, shoe rental and food. There's also a full cash-bar for drinks! Tickets are on-sale NOW:
    1. Regular Ticket Pricing:
      1. $18 for all guests, purchase by May 1st
    2. Make EYEnstein Superlatives Nominations Here:
  5. Did you ever think you had what it takes to be a Class Cabinet Officer? Is event planning and organizing one of your hobbies? Do you want to get to know your classmates better and help them have the best 3rd year ever? If you answered YES to any of these questions, or you know someone that would be a great fit, then running for EYEnstein Class Cabinet is the thing for you!! We are now taking nominations for the positions of President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, and Historian. Nominations will end Friday, April 3rd. Please make your nominations here:
  6. It’s getting hot out there in Fullerton, don’t miss out on an awesome tank to show off your guns and soak up the sun.  EYEnstein Spring Tanks are on-sale NOW for $17. Cash, Checks to “SCCO Class of 2017”, or Venmo to Sarah Kim.

Coming up this week…
  1. Non-StrabBV Lab Quiz
  2. OHP Lab Quiz
  3. OHP Lab Proficiency
  4. CL Pre-Lab Quiz
Mon 4/6
5pm - Ocular Disease TA Review
Tues 4/7
6:30pm - Stress Recess, Puppy Therapy!
Wed 4/8
12pm - Ocular Disease MT Review (tentative)
Thurs 4/9
9am - Ocular Pharmacology MT1
Fri 4/10
12pm - Non-StrabBV Review
Sat 4/11
6pm - MBKU’s Got Talent

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