Monday, April 20, 2015


It's the moment you're all been waiting for....

Congrats, Natalie Kassar! Natalie is our Eyenstein of the week! (not that she's not special any other day)

If you've lost touch with Natalie because of our hectic schedule, we've got you covered. Let's see what's going on in Nat's world.

1. How do you feel now that your reign as VP is coming to an end? 
Being Vice President of the United States has been fun but pretty stressful, so I’m glad it’s ending. JK. I’m definitely sad that our year of being on OD Board is over, mostly because it gave us plenty of great opportunities to get to know the first years. It also sort of forced us to socialize during a year where hiding at home and just sleeping whenever possible has been very tempting.

2. What do you have planned during the 1 week off before clinic? 
I plan to be on a beach somewhere with a tropical drink in hand with all of my homies. Any takers??? But really we (my life partner, Krista, and I) have been talking about going on a cruise, so if anyone is interested let us know :-) 

3. What are you most excited for and dreading as a third year? 
I’m most excited to be in clinic more and the A100 rooms less! I am dreading Boards and having to relearn optics and remember the steps to glycolysis again.

4. What are 3 things we don't know about you.
I like taking pictures of people sleeping (heh).
I am secretly married to Justin Timberlake (I let Jessica Biel take the spotlight for me).
I was voted most athletic in high school for being the quarterback of the football team okay JK again, for playing volleyball and running track. 

 5. Who is your biggest hero and why?
Jonathan because he isn’t afraid to say how he feels no matter how irrelevant it may be, and he is very passionate about the things he likes (turtles).

Dear Eyensteins,

Happy Week 8 everyone, get ready for a rough couple weeks ahead! I’m getting a little scared for the end of this quarter… I hope everyone is doing okay :)

1.  Due to the upcoming release of the Apple Watch, watches are now banned during our exam times. Other universities are doing it too:
a.     I told Dr. Chu that if they’re going to do this to us that they should monitor the clocks more frequently… he appreciates the tip.
b.     If you haven’t noticed, the clock in our classroom has finally changed!! Still 5 minutes late… but I guess that’s some progress?
2.  According to Campus Ops, the outlets in A102 have also been repaired, can I get some feedback on that?
3.  Ocular Disease for this week:
 .              Dr. Sendrowski will be lecturing Wednesday (4/22)
a.             Dr. Nishimoto will be lecturing Friday (4/24) - don’t forget to bring blank sheets of paper, he will be drawing out the progression of bacterial keratitis
4.  Elect your future leaders for SCCO @MBKU here:
5.  We are also looking for EYEnsteins for the position of Historian and Treasurer, please email me if you’re interested!
6.  It has been brought to my attention that many of our classmates are concerned about the remediation process/school policies. It is a little hazy what the remediation rules are and how many safety nets we have before we have to remediate a full course or year. I want to hold a meeting this Thursday at 12pm with the Class Cabinet and anyone who wants to discuss our school policies. It will be an open forum to anyone who has any ideas or any concerns that should be brought up to administration (to be honest I’m just as confused as everyone else). Let’s have it in our lecture hall.
7.  We are moving up the deadline for EOTYB to Friday, April 24th. Join us for our annual End of the Year Banquet! This year we will have it at LUCKY STRIKE Bowling Alley/ Bar on Thursday, May 21st, 2015 from 8pm-11pm. Your ticket will get you free bowling on private lanes rented for the event, shoe rental and food. There's also a full cash-bar for drinks! Tickets are on-sale NOW:
 .           Regular Ticket Pricing:
i.                $18 for all guests, purchase by Friday, April 24th
a.             Facebook Event Page:
b.             Make EYEnstein Superlatives Nominations Here:
8.  Reminder: Non-Strab BV midterm will take place Thursday Week 10 as originally scheduled
9.  OHP Final Proficiency scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of Week 10, specific assignments and groups will be announced soon by Dr. Lu
10.   Visual Field Assignment: assignment sheets are available in Dr. Lu’s box in building F

Coming up this week…
1.  Scleral Lens Application & Removal Proficiency
2.  Not exactly sure if there is an OHP Lab Quiz...
3.  BV Lab Quiz
4.  Contact Lens Pre-Lab Quiz, EMR for SCL Comp Exam + Blue Health History Form due

Monday 4/20
5pm - No review for Ocular Disease
Tuesday 4/21
8am - OHP  Midterm 2
Wednesday 4/22
Thursday 4/23
9am - Contact Lens Midterm 2
12pm - School Policies Open Discussion
Friday 4/24
3pm - End of the Year Banquet (EOTYB) Ticket Sales end

Have a wonderful week!


Your 2017 Class Cabinet

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