Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Congrats to the sweetheart of the class, Miss Olave Yee! Learn how she "juggles" life, how she's raising her little one and about her suspense-thriller!

Let's get to know Olave a little better, shall we?

1) What is like being a momma to Autumn?

Being a "momma" to this little, wild creature is... FANTASTIC! haha. She is so smart and I love her to death (I sound like a crazy parent, right?). She's such a happy dog that it just automatically puts me in a good mood no matter what kind of day I've had. She's a great distraction and I dedicate as many of my study breaks to her as I can. If I'm not at school or at work, I'm at the doggy park or at the doggy beach with autumn! Next time you see her, introduce yourself because she likes to shake your hand when you say "nice to meet you" in french :P

2) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I'll be 30 years old (OMG :0) and... according to the movie "13 going on 30", I'll be "thirty, flirty, and thriving" lol jk. 

 Ok, I would hopefully be back in Irvine or Newport Beach by then and. I'd absolute love to be working at a group practice nearby, And... since I'll be out of school I'm hoping I'll have an opportunity to dedicate extra time to other things I love to do. I'll hopefully be taking more cosmetology classes to be able to do more cool photoshoots, tackle on a few more languages (can't wait to seriously start learning sign language), and hopefully still at my job at Michael Kors. I like to do too many things at once, I know, but I guess that's what keeps me sane haha. (I know what you're thinking... or... insane).

3) What's your hidden talent?
My hidden talent would probably have to be... oh man, this is hard. Juggling? Is that a hidden talent? haha In 6th grade we all had to learn to juggle in order to pass P.E. I've been dying to try to juggle clubs ON FIRE!

4) Who would play you in a movie and what genre would it be?
I would have to say that Selma Blair would play me in a movie. It would have be a suspense-thriller with some kind of supernatural theme to it. YES! 

5) What's your favorite memory at SCCO so far?
Hmm.. there are so many! But, I think I would pick going to Tijuana with SVOSH during first year.  We got the chance to help out some poor communities and it was just an amazing experience to make such a big difference in so many people's lives. Not to mention this man was so happy with his new glasses that he gave us the biggest block of cheese and 1 kg of tortillas. Just awesome helping such genuine, humble people.

Hey Eyensteins,

Shout out to all the EYEnsteins who performed during the Talent Show, you were all amazing!!

  1. Lecture Switch:
    1. Monday: Pharmacology 1pm-3pm
Thursday: Non-Strab BV 10am-12pm
  1. Reminder: Non-Strab BV midterm will take place Thursday Week 10 as originally scheduled
  2. OHP Final Proficiency scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of Week 10, specific assignments and groups will be announced soon by Dr. Lu
  3. Visual Field Assignment: assignment sheets are available in Dr. Lu’s box in building F
  4. Join us for our annual End of the Year Banquet! This year we will have it at LUCKY STRIKE Bowling Alley/ Bar on Thursday, May 21st, 2015 from 8pm-11pm. Your ticket will get you free bowling on private lanes rented for the event, shoe rental and food. There's also a full cash-bar for drinks! Tickets are on-sale NOW:
    1. Regular Ticket Pricing:
      1. $18 for all guests, purchase by May 1st
    2. Make EYEnstein Superlatives Nominations Here: http://goo.gl/forms/FUxvON8cKT
  5. It’s getting hot out there in Fullerton, don’t miss out on an awesome tank to show off your guns and soak up the sun.  EYEnstein Spring Tanks are on-sale NOW for $17. Cash, Checks to “SCCO Class of 2017”, or Venmo to Sarah Kim.

Coming up this week…
  1. OHP Lab Quiz
  2. BV Lab Quiz
  3. BV Practice Quiz Due Tuesday @11pm
  4. Contact Lens
    1. Pre-Lab #5 Quiz (Moodle)
    2. Calculate CLP (Lab Manual pg 112)
    3. EMR Preparation (Lab Manual pg 113)
    4. Blue Health History Form Filled Out
Mon 4/13
12pm - Pharm MT1 Test Review
5pm - Ocular Disease Review
7pm - BV Review
Tues 4/14
11pm - BV Practice Quiz Due
Wed 4/15

Thurs 4/16
9am Non-Strab BV Midterm 1
Fri 4/17

Have a wonderful week!

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