Monday, March 16, 2015

WEEK 3: EYEnstein of the WEEK

I hope everyone is enjoying our LAST week w/o midterms! Enjoy it while it lasts!

I'm proud to announce our next EYEnstein of the WEEK, Julianne Dalton!!

Make sure to show her some love this week! Let's get to know Miss Julianna a little better :)

1. What is your guilty pleasure(s)?

"Watching supernatural. I got hooked my first year in Optometry school."

2. What's one thing about you that's too funny to share? (but you're going to anyways )

" Let me set the stage: I've always looked really young (just turned 27). My boyfriend is over a foot taller than me (about to turn 22). Saturday night I was at target buying beer with my bf. The cashier carded me and said it was because I looked so young. Then added my boyfriend was fine because he looked older than me. I told the lady (in good nature) I thought that was funny because I'm older than him. She laughed and asked if it was by a few months or something. When I told her I'm 5 years older she was shocked and kept saying sorry. To which I replied it's totally okay. I enjoy looking so young especially as I keep getting older"

3. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself

"A) I was a bit of a rebel when I was younger. When I was 18 years old I got my lip pierced. I wore it throughout the summer after high school graduation but stopped when I got a job in the fall because it started becoming too much of a pain to take in and out all the time.
B) I foster a 6 year old MinPin named Popo. I signed up with Barks of Love during my time off from school as a way to volunteer and keep busy. She's a lot of fun to have around and super easy to take care of, very low maintenance. Just loves to snuggle [anyone looking to adopt a dog out there :p]
C) I used to take ice skating lessons at the Iceoplex in the San Fernando Valley where the LA Kings used to practice. I'd get to watch them after my lessons each week. This is one of my favorite childhood memories."

4. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 

" Island in the Sun by Weezer. Every time I hear that song it just makes me smile. I think of good, happy memories when life was a little simpler."

5. What did you do over break? 

"I Worked. A lot. I'm a workaholic. But they cut my hours drastically in Jan and Feb so lately I've been spending time getting my life organized so when school started I could (and will) focus 110% on it. I Spent a lot of time between Burbank and San Diego. My home is in Burbank and my boyfriend is from San Diego. Spent a lot of time with friends I haven't seen in a long time. Since August I've been going to trivia at one of our local dive bars in Burbank every Tuesday night. We get 3rd place almost every time. It's always a blast. I moved to a diff apt and now live with a first year opto student at Las Palmas."

1.    PC Clinic - Dr. Sawamura has instructed us to fill out the yellow records sheet that keeps track of the patients we see during clinic. There is an option for observation on it as well as the PC exam (if you help your mentor with the exam). The yellow sheet is located in the PC consultation room.
2.    No Ocular Disease review this week. Steph Chan will have her review next Monday (3/23) at the usual time 5pm.
3.    I wanted to address Steph Chan’s comment on how she felt pressured to share her notes with our class. She has been gracious enough to share all of her notes for the past two years now. I’ve apologized to her on behalf of the class and I hope that we don’t treat her, other peers, or our professors like this in the future.
4.    SA Board has been making changes to the student government constitution in anticipation for the expanding university. The SA Board President and SA Board members will be holding a town hall meeting on March 25th @noon to discuss these changes. The constitution and bylaws will be voted on by the student body. Stay posted for a more detailed description from Dr. Barnhardt.
5.    Register for Optometry’s Meeting using your unique AOSA ID here:
6.    OHP lab has been looking good these days, great job everyone :) Just a reminder...Keep the drops in C216 (OHP Lab Room), notify Dr. Lu if anything runs out, throw your garbage in the trash, and keep the room clean.
7.    Also, I’m sorry for confusing everyone with last weeks email about VT lab quizzes.

Coming up this week…
1.    VT Lab Proficiency
2.    OHP In-Lab Quiz
3.    Contact Lens Lab Pre-Lab Online Quiz
Enjoy our last week of no exams :)
Mon 3/16
No Ocular Disease Review
Tues 3/17
Wed 3/18
Thurs 3/19
Fri 3/20

In case you haven’t updated your Google Calendar yet:

Google Calendar Links: (if any adjustments need to be made please contact Jaymie or Olave)

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