Tuesday, March 24, 2015

EYEnstein of the Week 4

Welcome and Congrats to this week's EOTW, Lisa Ho! If you haven't met the wonderful Lisa yet, please make sure to take the time to introduce yourself and welcome her into the class. We are excited to have her!

Let's get to know Lisa!

1. What is your guilty pleasure(s)?
"Food! I love eating and trying new food. I love going to food tastings especially if they’re AYCE. I’m willing try almost anything once. *sighs* I’ll probably all the weight I lost for my wedding back because of this."

2. What's one thing about you that's too funny to share? (but you're going to anyways tongue emoticon )
"I like stinky food (ex: Durian, fermented fish) but don’t worry, I won’t eat it at school."

3. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself.
"I flooded my car in Los Angeles. I like a good dirty joke. Don’t judge. Princess Diana liked them dirty jokes too. I love to coupon (No, not like coupon extreme style)."

4. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
"I like a wide range of music, classical to rap. So most songs would be ok to listen to for the rest of my life. But know I don’t want to listen to anymore… that” Let It Go” song from Frozen. I have a niece that likes to sing that song. It was cute the first 5 times. Then it got annoying after she continuously played the many renditions of the song from Youtube. I still don’t understand why she’s listening to this song played in various languages she doesn’t even understand."

5. What did you do over break?
"Stressed out over a bunch of DIY projects for my wedding and then got married in Florida."

Hey Eyensteins! Welcome to the first week of exams!! Yayyyy… Week 4 Updates: Tickets for End of the Year Banquet at Lucky Strike are on sale NOW!! Pre-sale prices ($12 for those who bought fall test files, $15 for other EYEnsteins and guests). Prices will go up after April 1st! Vote for EYEnstein nominations here: http://goo.gl/forms/FUxvON8cKT!! The winners will be revealed at our End of Second Year Banquet on Thursday, May 21st. 
Spring Tank Sales start 3/25 for $17
OHP After Hours Schedule will be posted by Dr. Lu soon! SA Board has been making changes to the student government constitution in anticipation for the expanding university. The SA Board President and SA Board members will be holding a town hall meeting on March 25th @noon to discuss these changes. The constitution and bylaws will be voted on by the student body. Stay posted for a more detailed description from Dr. Barnhardt. Register for Optometry’s Meeting using your unique AOSA ID here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1deDA3Do3rO_zrt9MxA63Hyh7Niv38KQYvPuhNOSfMqY/edit#gid=0 OHP lab has been looking good these days, great job everyone :) Just a reminder...Keep the drops in C216 (OHP Lab Room), notify Dr. Lu if anything runs out, throw your garbage in the trash, and keep the room clean. I’ve been working with Dr. Lu to try and figure out the best schedule we can for the OHP final proficiency. I’m also working on the testing schedule for Week 10, I’m trying to have one of our midterms moved to Week 9 to alleviate our stress. Keep your fingers crossed**!! Financial Aid Due April 24th Coming up this week… OHP Pre-Lab Quiz Non-Strab Online Quiz Due Non-Strab Study Questions Due Non-Strab Lab Quiz Contact Lens Pre-Lab Quiz Mon 3/23 12pm - Non-Strab Online Quiz Due 12pm - Non-Strab Study Questions Email to Dr. Barnhardt by noon 5pm - Disease Review Tues 3/24 Wed 3/25 12pm - SA Board Town Hall Meeting Thurs 3/26 8am - Contact Lens Midterm 7pm - OHP After Hours Fri 3/27 12pm - Non-Strab Review 6pm - AOSA Student Bowl

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