Monday, March 9, 2015

EYEnstein of the WEEK

I will be introducing the new additions to our class for the next few weeks on our blog. Our first introduction and EYEnstein of the week is Anthony Castanares! Welcome to the Class of 2017, AJ!!

Let's meet AJ!

1. What is your guilty pleasure(s)?

"Sleeping in class. I know I’m not the only one who’s probably had THE BEST naps of their life while in class… you know, the kind of naps where you wake up with a neck cramp? Despite that internal voice pleading you to fight the temptation because you will probably miss some important detail, you unwillingly pass out anyway. "

2. What's one thing about you that's too funny to share? (but you're going to anyways tongue emoticon )

"Taylor Swift “You Belong With Me” is on my gym playlist. "

3. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself

"I’m a motor sports enthusiast and used to go to a ton of car shows, meets, or racing events back in the day. I even like ‘fixing-up’ my own car and am pretty handy around the garage. 
-I watch corny romantic comedies by myself, even though I know they’re horrible. 
-I rather wear clothes 3x my size, but current fashion norms don’t allow it. Besides, I rather not be on Dean Woo’s fashion faux pas list."

4. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

"Spice Girls “Never Give Up On the Good Times” Two words: Posh. Spice. Jk. Seriously though, it’s a good song."

5. What did you do over break?

"Well… I moved back to the Bay Area, then after I got bored of waking up at 1pm everyday, mindlessly sitting in front of the television, or browsing YouTube videos… I decided to be more productive and look over Ocular Disease notes. 30 minutes later, I went back to watching YouTube. Jokes aside, I was able to catch up with friends and family, I hiked some trails with my Dad, and did Mission Peak in Fremont for the first time. On the daily, my Dad kept me busy with various errands and home improvement projects. I also went to a few San Francisco Giants games and two 49ers football games, one at the new Levi's stadium and the other at Oakland Coliseum. I visited SCCO a few times too, once for Omega Delta initiation Banquet. Every week I volunteered for the Optometry Department at the Veterans Affairs Hospital where I performed tech duties and scribed for the residents and interns. I was also able to attend Montery Symposium and WRC. During my last month off, I went to the Philippines to visit family and do a little sight seeing. While I was there I ate more rice than Andy Vuong does in one year."

Week 1 just flew by… looks like we’re in for a crazy quarter. Please please please keep up with the material in our classes, and don’t hesitate to ask if you ever need any help with school work, lab work, or just life in general. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, even with the loss of an hour today! Now onto Week 2....

  1. Thank you everyone who came out to our Grascio’s fundraiser last week! I hope you all had a yummy meal and got a chance to talk to the owner’s wife. She had a great story about her experience with SCCO’s interns and clinic!
  2. OHP Lab Drops: Lets prove to the professors that we can be responsible and clean!! Keep the drops in C216 (OHP Lab Room), notify Dr. Lu if anything runs out, throw your garbage in the trash, and keep the room clean.
  3. Register for Optometry’s Meeting using your unique AOSA ID here:
  4. SA Board has been making changes to the student government constitution in anticipation for the expanding university. The SA Board President and SA Board members will be holding a town hall meeting on March 25th @noon to discuss these changes. The constitution and bylaws will be voted on by the student body. Stay posted for a more detailed description from Dr. Barnhardt.

Coming up this week…
  1. BV In-Lab Quizzes begin this week
  2. OHP In-Lab Quiz
  3. Contact Lens Lab Pre-Lab Online Quiz
Mon 3/8
5pm - Ocular Disease Review @A102
Tues 3/9
6pm - Dr. Barnhardt’s Navigating Your Way Through Proessional School (NYWTPS)
Wed 3/10

Thurs 3/11

Fri 3/12

In case you haven’t updated your Google Calendar yet:

Google Calendar Links: (if any adjustments need to be made please contact Jaymie or Olave)

Don't forget to vote for your favorite Spring tank top by Wed. 3/11 !!!

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