Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 5

We are half way done through the quarter and only a few weeks away from being lean, mean Third Years!! Congrats on making it this far! 

This week EOTW is Kim Pandiagan! Make sure to introduce yourself to Kim if you haven't done so already! She'll be coming back soon!

1. What is your guilty pleasure(s)?

Eating dessert before dinner and then being too full for dinner! Soo good! I just can’t help it. 

2. What's one thing about you that's too funny to share? (but you're going to anyways tongue emoticon )

When I was little, I ate so many carrots that I turned orange. 

3. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself

Watching fireworks is probably one of my favorite things to do. 
I have ridden on Tower of Terror over 100 times yet still freak out (have to close my eyes and grab my friends’ arms) every time I ride on it. I love traveling and experiencing new cultures. 

4. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

I’m not sure, but the “Hall of Fame” is stuck in my head right now. Not saying that I will end up in the hall of fame or anything like that but I like to think that with dedication and hard work I can accomplish my goals

5. What did you do over break?

Over break I moved back home to sunny Seattle where I worked at an optometry practice. In my spare time I worked on planning my wedding and went on a vacation to Japan.

Make sure to Congratulate Kim on her newest EYEnstein:

Hey EYEnsteins,

Sorry for the heavy email but there is a lot of important information in this email, PLEASE PLEASE read
it all the way through!! :)
1. Vote on the new USEC (University Student Executive Council aka the new SA Board) Constitution and
Fee increase. ]
a. The low-down on what’s changing:
i. Constitution Changes: SA board has been working on this constitution with Dr.
Barnhard all year -- it is an adaptation of our original constitution, we revamped the
organization of it and created branches to better suit the growing school. We’ve
included branches for PAs and Pharmacy schools. There is nothing sketchy… so
please vote YES on the new constitution. Yay!
ii. Fee Increase: The proposal is for a $45 increase per student per year. This money
will go directly to each class. For example, there are 107 students in our class, with
$45/student - the class will get $4815 for the year. This will reduce the amount of
fundraisers the class cabinet needs to put on each year. All remaining funds will rollover
each year. If we do not spend all of the money by the time we graduate, it will
be donated to USEC.
iii. Please vote here, it is very very important!! :
2. Dr. Barnhardt prematurely brought this up in lecture last week. I went to Dr. Chu and proposed to
switch our Non-StrabBV Midterm from Thursday-Week 10 to Wednesday-Week 9 (April 28th). My
reason behind this switch proposal was to alleviate our current 2-midterm&3-proficiency schedule
Week 10.
. Pros: Slightly less stress for Week 10 and more time to study for Finals Week 1.
a. Cons: Back-to-Back midterms Week 9 (Non-StrabBV and Disease). Only 2 weeks between BV
midterm 1 and midterm 2 (not the biggest deal because Dr. Barnhardt said she will cut off the material for
Midterm 1 a little bit earlier than usual).
b. We need at least 75% of the class to agree on the switch for it to happen, please vote here:
3. Dr. Yacoub has a scheduling conflict during our OHP lectures on Thursdays, he is working on
switching his lecture time. The change will be TBA.
4. OHP Final Proficiency - I am working closely on this with Dr. Lu at the moment… she is trying to
push in our favor as much as possible! As of right now we will be having the Final Proficiency
Week 10 (Mon/Tues) and retakes will take place on Thursday, May 7th (Finals Week 1). We will
know the official schedule, individual time slots, and groups soon!! - Stay Tuned.
5. Join us for our annual End of the Year Banquet! This year we will have it at LUCKY STRIKE
Bowling Alley/ Bar on Thursday, May 21st, 2015 from 8pm-11pm. Your ticket will get you free
bowling on private lanes rented for the event, shoe rental and food. There's also a full cash-bar for
drinks! Tickets are on-sale NOW:
. Early Bird Ticket Pricing:
. $12 for EYEnsteins who bought Fall 2014 test files
i. $15 for other EYEnsteins and Guests
a. Prices will go up starting on April 2nd, so be sure to buy your ticket now!!
b. Facebook Event Page:
c. Make EYEnstein Superlatives Nominations Here:
6. Did you ever think you had what it takes to be a Class Cabinet Officer? Is event planning and
organizing one of your hobbies? Do you want to get to know your classmates better and help them
have the best 3rd year ever? If you answered YES to any of these questions, or you know
someone that would be a great fit, then running for EYEnstein Class Cabinet is the thing for you!!
We are now taking nominations for the positions of President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, and 
Historian. Nominations will end Friday, April 3rd. Please make your nominations here:
7. It’s getting hot out there in Fullerton, don’t miss out on an awesome tank to show off your guns and
soak up the sun. EYEnstein Spring Tanks are on-sale NOW for $17. Cash, Checks to “SCCO
Class of 2017”, or Venmo to Sarah Kim.
Coming up this week…
1. Contact Lens Lab Proficiency
2. Contact Lens Pre-Lab Assignment, EMR Assignment
3. Non-StrabBV Lab Quiz
4. OHP Lab Quiz
Mon 3/30 5pm - Ocular Disease TA Review
Tues 3/31 8am - OHP2 Midterm 1
11am - Dr. Tong’s Ocular Disease Review
Wed 4/1
Thurs 4/2 9am - Ocular Disease Midterm 1
Fri 4/3 12pm - Non-StrabBV Review
Have a great week everybody!!
Your 2017 Class Cabinet
Check out our EYEnstein class blog for updates -
Questions or Concerns? -- Let us know What’s On Your Mind EYEnsteins
--or-- Email us at:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

EYEnstein of the Week 4

Welcome and Congrats to this week's EOTW, Lisa Ho! If you haven't met the wonderful Lisa yet, please make sure to take the time to introduce yourself and welcome her into the class. We are excited to have her!

Let's get to know Lisa!

1. What is your guilty pleasure(s)?
"Food! I love eating and trying new food. I love going to food tastings especially if they’re AYCE. I’m willing try almost anything once. *sighs* I’ll probably all the weight I lost for my wedding back because of this."

2. What's one thing about you that's too funny to share? (but you're going to anyways tongue emoticon )
"I like stinky food (ex: Durian, fermented fish) but don’t worry, I won’t eat it at school."

3. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself.
"I flooded my car in Los Angeles. I like a good dirty joke. Don’t judge. Princess Diana liked them dirty jokes too. I love to coupon (No, not like coupon extreme style)."

4. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
"I like a wide range of music, classical to rap. So most songs would be ok to listen to for the rest of my life. But know I don’t want to listen to anymore… that” Let It Go” song from Frozen. I have a niece that likes to sing that song. It was cute the first 5 times. Then it got annoying after she continuously played the many renditions of the song from Youtube. I still don’t understand why she’s listening to this song played in various languages she doesn’t even understand."

5. What did you do over break?
"Stressed out over a bunch of DIY projects for my wedding and then got married in Florida."

Hey Eyensteins! Welcome to the first week of exams!! Yayyyy… Week 4 Updates: Tickets for End of the Year Banquet at Lucky Strike are on sale NOW!! Pre-sale prices ($12 for those who bought fall test files, $15 for other EYEnsteins and guests). Prices will go up after April 1st! Vote for EYEnstein nominations here:!! The winners will be revealed at our End of Second Year Banquet on Thursday, May 21st. 
Spring Tank Sales start 3/25 for $17
OHP After Hours Schedule will be posted by Dr. Lu soon! SA Board has been making changes to the student government constitution in anticipation for the expanding university. The SA Board President and SA Board members will be holding a town hall meeting on March 25th @noon to discuss these changes. The constitution and bylaws will be voted on by the student body. Stay posted for a more detailed description from Dr. Barnhardt. Register for Optometry’s Meeting using your unique AOSA ID here: OHP lab has been looking good these days, great job everyone :) Just a reminder...Keep the drops in C216 (OHP Lab Room), notify Dr. Lu if anything runs out, throw your garbage in the trash, and keep the room clean. I’ve been working with Dr. Lu to try and figure out the best schedule we can for the OHP final proficiency. I’m also working on the testing schedule for Week 10, I’m trying to have one of our midterms moved to Week 9 to alleviate our stress. Keep your fingers crossed**!! Financial Aid Due April 24th Coming up this week… OHP Pre-Lab Quiz Non-Strab Online Quiz Due Non-Strab Study Questions Due Non-Strab Lab Quiz Contact Lens Pre-Lab Quiz Mon 3/23 12pm - Non-Strab Online Quiz Due 12pm - Non-Strab Study Questions Email to Dr. Barnhardt by noon 5pm - Disease Review Tues 3/24 Wed 3/25 12pm - SA Board Town Hall Meeting Thurs 3/26 8am - Contact Lens Midterm 7pm - OHP After Hours Fri 3/27 12pm - Non-Strab Review 6pm - AOSA Student Bowl

Monday, March 16, 2015

WEEK 3: EYEnstein of the WEEK

I hope everyone is enjoying our LAST week w/o midterms! Enjoy it while it lasts!

I'm proud to announce our next EYEnstein of the WEEK, Julianne Dalton!!

Make sure to show her some love this week! Let's get to know Miss Julianna a little better :)

1. What is your guilty pleasure(s)?

"Watching supernatural. I got hooked my first year in Optometry school."

2. What's one thing about you that's too funny to share? (but you're going to anyways )

" Let me set the stage: I've always looked really young (just turned 27). My boyfriend is over a foot taller than me (about to turn 22). Saturday night I was at target buying beer with my bf. The cashier carded me and said it was because I looked so young. Then added my boyfriend was fine because he looked older than me. I told the lady (in good nature) I thought that was funny because I'm older than him. She laughed and asked if it was by a few months or something. When I told her I'm 5 years older she was shocked and kept saying sorry. To which I replied it's totally okay. I enjoy looking so young especially as I keep getting older"

3. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself

"A) I was a bit of a rebel when I was younger. When I was 18 years old I got my lip pierced. I wore it throughout the summer after high school graduation but stopped when I got a job in the fall because it started becoming too much of a pain to take in and out all the time.
B) I foster a 6 year old MinPin named Popo. I signed up with Barks of Love during my time off from school as a way to volunteer and keep busy. She's a lot of fun to have around and super easy to take care of, very low maintenance. Just loves to snuggle [anyone looking to adopt a dog out there :p]
C) I used to take ice skating lessons at the Iceoplex in the San Fernando Valley where the LA Kings used to practice. I'd get to watch them after my lessons each week. This is one of my favorite childhood memories."

4. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 

" Island in the Sun by Weezer. Every time I hear that song it just makes me smile. I think of good, happy memories when life was a little simpler."

5. What did you do over break? 

"I Worked. A lot. I'm a workaholic. But they cut my hours drastically in Jan and Feb so lately I've been spending time getting my life organized so when school started I could (and will) focus 110% on it. I Spent a lot of time between Burbank and San Diego. My home is in Burbank and my boyfriend is from San Diego. Spent a lot of time with friends I haven't seen in a long time. Since August I've been going to trivia at one of our local dive bars in Burbank every Tuesday night. We get 3rd place almost every time. It's always a blast. I moved to a diff apt and now live with a first year opto student at Las Palmas."

1.    PC Clinic - Dr. Sawamura has instructed us to fill out the yellow records sheet that keeps track of the patients we see during clinic. There is an option for observation on it as well as the PC exam (if you help your mentor with the exam). The yellow sheet is located in the PC consultation room.
2.    No Ocular Disease review this week. Steph Chan will have her review next Monday (3/23) at the usual time 5pm.
3.    I wanted to address Steph Chan’s comment on how she felt pressured to share her notes with our class. She has been gracious enough to share all of her notes for the past two years now. I’ve apologized to her on behalf of the class and I hope that we don’t treat her, other peers, or our professors like this in the future.
4.    SA Board has been making changes to the student government constitution in anticipation for the expanding university. The SA Board President and SA Board members will be holding a town hall meeting on March 25th @noon to discuss these changes. The constitution and bylaws will be voted on by the student body. Stay posted for a more detailed description from Dr. Barnhardt.
5.    Register for Optometry’s Meeting using your unique AOSA ID here:
6.    OHP lab has been looking good these days, great job everyone :) Just a reminder...Keep the drops in C216 (OHP Lab Room), notify Dr. Lu if anything runs out, throw your garbage in the trash, and keep the room clean.
7.    Also, I’m sorry for confusing everyone with last weeks email about VT lab quizzes.

Coming up this week…
1.    VT Lab Proficiency
2.    OHP In-Lab Quiz
3.    Contact Lens Lab Pre-Lab Online Quiz
Enjoy our last week of no exams :)
Mon 3/16
No Ocular Disease Review
Tues 3/17
Wed 3/18
Thurs 3/19
Fri 3/20

In case you haven’t updated your Google Calendar yet:

Google Calendar Links: (if any adjustments need to be made please contact Jaymie or Olave)

Monday, March 9, 2015

EYEnstein of the WEEK

I will be introducing the new additions to our class for the next few weeks on our blog. Our first introduction and EYEnstein of the week is Anthony Castanares! Welcome to the Class of 2017, AJ!!

Let's meet AJ!

1. What is your guilty pleasure(s)?

"Sleeping in class. I know I’m not the only one who’s probably had THE BEST naps of their life while in class… you know, the kind of naps where you wake up with a neck cramp? Despite that internal voice pleading you to fight the temptation because you will probably miss some important detail, you unwillingly pass out anyway. "

2. What's one thing about you that's too funny to share? (but you're going to anyways tongue emoticon )

"Taylor Swift “You Belong With Me” is on my gym playlist. "

3. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself

"I’m a motor sports enthusiast and used to go to a ton of car shows, meets, or racing events back in the day. I even like ‘fixing-up’ my own car and am pretty handy around the garage. 
-I watch corny romantic comedies by myself, even though I know they’re horrible. 
-I rather wear clothes 3x my size, but current fashion norms don’t allow it. Besides, I rather not be on Dean Woo’s fashion faux pas list."

4. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

"Spice Girls “Never Give Up On the Good Times” Two words: Posh. Spice. Jk. Seriously though, it’s a good song."

5. What did you do over break?

"Well… I moved back to the Bay Area, then after I got bored of waking up at 1pm everyday, mindlessly sitting in front of the television, or browsing YouTube videos… I decided to be more productive and look over Ocular Disease notes. 30 minutes later, I went back to watching YouTube. Jokes aside, I was able to catch up with friends and family, I hiked some trails with my Dad, and did Mission Peak in Fremont for the first time. On the daily, my Dad kept me busy with various errands and home improvement projects. I also went to a few San Francisco Giants games and two 49ers football games, one at the new Levi's stadium and the other at Oakland Coliseum. I visited SCCO a few times too, once for Omega Delta initiation Banquet. Every week I volunteered for the Optometry Department at the Veterans Affairs Hospital where I performed tech duties and scribed for the residents and interns. I was also able to attend Montery Symposium and WRC. During my last month off, I went to the Philippines to visit family and do a little sight seeing. While I was there I ate more rice than Andy Vuong does in one year."

Week 1 just flew by… looks like we’re in for a crazy quarter. Please please please keep up with the material in our classes, and don’t hesitate to ask if you ever need any help with school work, lab work, or just life in general. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, even with the loss of an hour today! Now onto Week 2....

  1. Thank you everyone who came out to our Grascio’s fundraiser last week! I hope you all had a yummy meal and got a chance to talk to the owner’s wife. She had a great story about her experience with SCCO’s interns and clinic!
  2. OHP Lab Drops: Lets prove to the professors that we can be responsible and clean!! Keep the drops in C216 (OHP Lab Room), notify Dr. Lu if anything runs out, throw your garbage in the trash, and keep the room clean.
  3. Register for Optometry’s Meeting using your unique AOSA ID here:
  4. SA Board has been making changes to the student government constitution in anticipation for the expanding university. The SA Board President and SA Board members will be holding a town hall meeting on March 25th @noon to discuss these changes. The constitution and bylaws will be voted on by the student body. Stay posted for a more detailed description from Dr. Barnhardt.

Coming up this week…
  1. BV In-Lab Quizzes begin this week
  2. OHP In-Lab Quiz
  3. Contact Lens Lab Pre-Lab Online Quiz
Mon 3/8
5pm - Ocular Disease Review @A102
Tues 3/9
6pm - Dr. Barnhardt’s Navigating Your Way Through Proessional School (NYWTPS)
Wed 3/10

Thurs 3/11

Fri 3/12

In case you haven’t updated your Google Calendar yet:

Google Calendar Links: (if any adjustments need to be made please contact Jaymie or Olave)

Don't forget to vote for your favorite Spring tank top by Wed. 3/11 !!!