Sunday, March 30, 2014

EYEnstein of the Week: Liz Wright

"Open minded, conscientious, hard-working, thoughtful, kind, friendly, motivated, good listener, green-thumb (tbd!) and brave (except during earthquakes!! O_O) "

  • Born in: Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Favorite Color:  Green
  • Hobbies: Hiking, photography, container gardening
  • Good luck Charm: wearing purple! 
  • Favorite place to shop: Forever 21
  • What Liz does on her leisure time: Bake, read, garden, watch Netflix or Comedy Central
  • What Liz did for Spring Break: Glazing pottery at my dad's studio, and finishing Breaking Bad! 
  • What Liz looks forward to learning this quarter:  End of the year banquet! 
  • What Liz plans are for summer: Catch up on my neglected book list (and more importantly, my Netflix que! lol), work at my optometrist's office, party with Vegas friends!

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