Sunday, March 16, 2014

EYEnstein of the Week: Siva Sivalingum

" I am an easygoing person who likes adventure!"

  • Born in: Toronto, ON (Canada)
  • Favorite Color:  450nm and 550nm
  • Hobbies: (aka Avocations): Travelling, viewing natural scenes (mountain views, beaches, etc), board games, movies, spending time with friends and family.
  • Good luck Charm: Nothing Really...
  • Favorite place to shop: MKBU Campus Book Store ... jk ... I am a big Apple fan and always interested in their latest. Looking forward to the iPhone 6 sometime this year.
  • What Siva does on his leisure time: Go to the beach, workout, explore the area
  • What Siva did for Spring Break: Visited the beaches and enjoyed the weather. At the end of the week got a free car wash. Thanks Mother Nature.
  • What Siva looks forward to learning this quarter:  Learning more clinically relevant material
  • What Siva plans are for summer: Fly back home to Toronto (it'll be summer there too); Niagara Falls; Cottage trip with friends

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