Sunday, April 6, 2014

EYEnstein of the Week: Jaymie Niida

"Hard-working, dedicated, helpful, thoughtful and easy-going, but I'm also very stubborn. :) "

  • Born in: Torrance, CA
  • Favorite Color:  Blue! 
  • Hobbies: Cooking, baking and working out! 
  • Good luck Charm: I don't! :(
  • Favorite place to shop: Foreign Exchange
  • What Jaymie does on her leisure time: Workout, listen to music and relax at home! 
  • What Jaymie did for Spring Break: Skiing in Mammoth with my family :) 
  • What Jaymie looks forward to this quarter:  End of the Year Banquet!
  • What Jaymie plans are for summer: Hawaii with my family, Washington for my friend's wedding and hopefully work! 

 oahu hawaii

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