Sunday, April 13, 2014

EYEnstein of the Week: Brianna Livingston

"Im a chocolate lover, optomist, always looking for my next adventure!"

  • Went to Undergrad At: University of Florida
  • Favorite Movie:  The Great Gatsby 
  • Favorite Fruit:  Apples!
  • Hobbies: Yoga, volleyball, running
  • Most exciting thing that happened to Brianna this year: Getting the opportunity to travel to New York for Vision Expo 
  • Favorite class this quarter: Clinical Medicine
  • What Brianna does on her leisure time: I enjoy being outside, and exploring new places 
  • Brianna's plans after finals: Go back to Florida and relax on the beach all summer
  • What Brianna's plans are for summer: Going to the beach, scuba diving in the keys, mission trip to El Salvador


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