Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Potluck at The Treehouse

Before we all headed off in our own directions for the holidays, the "Treehouse" hosted a pre-thanksgiving potluck! A BIG thank you goes out to the residents of the Treehouse (Krista, Jaqui, Natalie, & Elaine) for having all of us EYEnsteins over! It was fun to gather outside of the classroom and enjoy some yummy food together! Can our class cook or what?! Everything tasted AMAZING! 

The class cabinet is THANKFUL for all you EYEnsteins for being such a wonderful class. We love serving you guys! Can't wait to see you all back in a week. Enjoy the well deserved break!!!

Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels everyone! 

 Want to see more photos from the Thanksgiving potluck? Click HERE

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