Sunday, November 10, 2013

EYEnstein of the Week: Justine Gonzalez

"I'm an easy going person and I LOVE MY FAMILY!"

  • Born in: Los Angeles, CA
  • Favorite Foods:  You can never go wrong with MEXICAN! :)
  • One unique thing about Justine:  My eyes? they're different shades of honey.
  • Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere with my FAMILY!
  • Favorite activity/hobby: Reading!!!
  • Biggest pet peeve: Loud chewing noises
  • For Halloween, Justine will be: A Cat
  • Favorite Class this Fall Quarter: Optics! bailey really grows on you :)
  • Least Favorite Class this Fall Quarter: Practice management! !!
  • If she could be another SCCO student on campus, she would want to be: Rene Doss, because she is an AWESOME genius!

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