Sunday, July 19, 2015

EOTW: Crystal!

Get to know Crystal better so that her personality will be crystal clear the next time you see her!

1. Tell us about your dog!

Her name is Pumpkin and she is a 1.5yo golden retriever. She is a sweet and loyal pup, always waking up with me on test days at 5AM to sit at my feet and keep them warm. She likes long walks and digging through my sock drawer, and she's actually got the whole Laterality thing down (Left Paw, Right Paw, Left Foot, Right Foot) so I pay her in treats instead of VT dollas. Her best friend is a corgi named Kona, and they both like to cause mischief when they are together. This caramel colored duo likes to go around the dog park together to beg unsuspecting humans for treats in exchange for irresistible puppy eyes. Pumpkin goes by several nicknames in our house: Pumpkin Pie, Punky, Moon Moon, Goldilocks, ??. She was also the "Pet of the Month" on Anaheim Pet Feed's website last year! She has nice aunts that spoil her all the time and she always looks forward to seeing them.

2. What are your favorite things to do when not studying?

Hanging out with hubs and puppy, Disneyland, Netflix, cooking new recipes and shopping for them. I always find it fun hunting down new ingredients in ethnic markets that I've never been to! I cook for a picky eater so it's exciting when I discover something that makes him happy! 

3. What's your favorite shift in clinic so far this summer?

I just started CL for the 2nd half and I've been enjoying it. I like that there are several specialties lumped into this department like Dry Eye, pre/post-ops, and Color Deficiency. And of course Prosthetics which I find pretty cool. It's much more exciting than, "I'm just here for my yearly exam" since you never know what kind of case will show up!

4. What has been the most interesting moment in clinic so far for you?

A patient counted the number of seconds it took for me to do BIO. 

5. Tell us something we don't know about you.

I am crazy about spicy food!!!! There is a "fire noodle challenge" on youtube where people film themselves eating this spicy brand of Korean noodles, and I LOVE IT. If you've ever dined with me, you'd know that I always ask for hot sauce. I have also recently discovered bottled "capsaicin" at the Korean market, where they basically took the extract from these hot peppers and bottled it in liquid form. My friends and I had a fun time in Seattle trying "pepper jam" at Pike Place Market where they made sweet but spicy jams out of ghost peppers and the like. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

EOTW: Shweta Agrawal!!

1. What's your favorite food?

Other than Indian food of course, I would have to go with Thai food. I am down to go out for Thai food anytime. 

2. You're going to Salt Lake City for one of your rotations.. Are you excited? Have you been there before?

I am very excited to be going to SLC! I hear its a beautiful city with lots to do. It will be especially exciting since I'll have three close friends ( Alex, Carol, and Angie) with me there in the summer as well!

I have been to SLC before, though very briefly. About 10 years ago, on a road trip with the family to Yellowstone, we stopped in SLC to see the Salt Lake Temple. Other than that very short experience, Salt Lake City will be a new experience for me!

3. What's the last movie you saw in the theaters? Would you recommend it?

Inside Out was the last movie I saw and I loved it. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who enjoys animated movies.

4. If you weren't pursuing a career in optometry, what do you think you'd be doing today?

I think I would still be doing something in the health field. In college I had considered going into medicine and also thought about genetic counseling as a potential career choice. Now that I am in optometry school, I seem to like the idea of teaching (optometry) in the future. Who knows, maybe that is something that could still happen.  

5. Tell us something we don't know about you.

This is definitely the hardest question on the list. What people may not know is that I love to swim. I was on a swim team called FAST (Fullerton Aquatics Swim Team) for 8 years from elementary school through high school. Unfortunately now I rarely go swimming, but it is one activity I would like to get back in to. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

EYEnstein of the Week: Emma Ly!

Get to know your co-VP Emma Ly a little better!

1. Pick one: The Bay Area or SoCal. Why?

Bay Area!! because Socal is too hot.

2. Tell us about your internship at SUNY last summer?

SUNY summer internship started out as my excuse for visiting and exploring New York, but I ended up really liking the program. My research project was to work on developing a new glaucoma test using visually evoked potentials (VEP). Specifically, my job for the summer was to gather subjects, run the test and build up the normative data.

The best part about it was being able to schedule work at my own hrs, so I was able to plan out my time to be a tourist :)

3. What has been your favorite class in optometry school so far?

Optics, because I love Bailey! "right? I mean, correct?"

4. Do you plan on dancing at talent show again?

It was really fun dancing at talent show, but I'd only do it again if I get to do it with my old crew :)

5. Tell us something we don't know about you.

I don't like sweets, yes that includes ice cream. Im weird.