Monday, December 8, 2014

EYEnstein of the Week

Congrats to our new EYEnstein of the week, Mandy!!

Mandy has been a busy bee this quarter, planning Eyeball along side with Lindsay, but I managed to ask her a few questions to help us get to know her better. :)

Here's how the interview went:

1. I know you've been working hard with planning Eyeball, could you share your experiences and what your visions were during the planning process?

EYEball has usually been pretty formal with debatable experiences, and I wanted to create an event where literally EVERY person would end the night without a doubt that it was worth the money spent, by far the best EYEball they could ever imaged, and gain lifelong memories. Lindsay and I started planning it back last May, and I'm still fine-tuning details three days from the event!

2. So I know that you're originally from Missouri, how does it compare to California?

I don't really remember too much since I lived in MO (for) a few years when I was a kid.

3.  What mode of practice do you plan to adopt when you graduate?

Private? Partnership? (I don't know) yet.

4.Tell us something we don't know about you.

I've never worn braces.

5. What are your plans for the holidays?

Going back home to the land of blizzards and ice. Lots of skiing, snowman building, sauna-ing, and hot chocolate!!!

·  For Contact Lens Lab this week we’ll be putting GP lenses onto each other
·  Be sure to wear glasses or bring your contact lens cases/solution with you
·  Bring the green pencil and GP lens fitting sets!
·  Thank you to everyone who made it to our Town Hall Meeting with Dean Woo last week. If you have any other unanswered questions or concerns, just shoot an email to the class cabinet.

Monday 12/8
Everyone meets for EBP Breakout Groups
·  Check Moodle for the Location and Time for your specific group
·  either 1pm or 2pm
·  Be sure to read the 2 articles on Moodle!
Tuesday 12/9
Wednesday 12/10
Thursday 12/11
8am Cornea and Contact Lens Exam
Friday 12/12
12pm Systemic Pharm Review
EBP - Bring laptops to class

That’s it for this week! Good luck on our first exam of the quarter :)

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