Sunday, December 14, 2014

Last week until VACATION!

Congrats to our newest EYEnstein of the week, Sophia!!

Who didn't instantly fall in love with our little Sophia after meeting her?! Let's get to know this bubbly girl better :)

1. What is your favorite song right now and why?

"This is a tough one! It depends on my mood. But the one I can always jam to is Blank Space- T. Swift because she mentions "Starbucks"...oh wait..."

2. I know you like taking "fat" pictures. Could you tell us how this started and there has to be a back story. haha

"I had an app on my phone that gave people double chins and it made me die of laughter ever single time!"

3. Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

"Like any other child of asian parents, I took piano lessons for a good portion of my youth. I was pretty good back then! I haven't played in years don't ask me to play now haha"

4. What interested you in Optometry?

"I love how you're able to help people with one of the most important senses-sight! And you can do so non-invasively.The family friendly life-style and flexible hours are a plus too!"

5. What are your plans for the holidays?

"I'll be traveling back up to the bay to celebrate Christmas early with my family. I hope it's still not raining up there!"

Weekly Update:

Only two exams and one week standing in our way until we are home and free for Winter Break!!
  1. Cornea and Contact Lens lecture has been rescheduled to 12pm on Wednesday (12/17). No lectures on Friday!!
  2. Contact Lens Project - as a tip from Dr. Chang, try not to work on the project on either… [1] Christmas Day or [2] January 12th, the day that it’s due.
  3. Update for Case Analysis - there will be an online component to Midterm 1. The date the quiz will open and due date are still TBA, stay tuned for an announcement from Dr. Myung or Dr. Lee.
  4. Tutoring for Case Analysis will be bi-weekly on Wednesdays @12pm. The dates will be posted on the class calendar.
  5. Just a heads up… our secretaries have worked very hard trying pester the 3rd year class cabinet to gather as many test files from professors as they could. It’s hard to get files now that most exams are secured. In case you were wondering, there are no contact lens midterm 1 practice problems, sorry if this confused anyone.
  6. Wear an ugly sweater or something festive to school this Tuesday to celebrate the upcoming Holidays!  

Coming up this week…
Monday 12/15

Tuesday 12/16
8am - Pharmacology Midterm
EYEnstein Ugly Sweater Day!!
Wednesday 12/17
12pm - Cornea and Contact Lens Lecture
Thursday 12/18
8am - Binocular Vision Midterm
Friday 12/19
EBP Lecture Cancelled
Contact Lens Lecture Cancelled

Safe travels home everyone, we hope you have a happy holiday with your friends and family.

Monday, December 8, 2014

EYEnstein of the Week

Congrats to our new EYEnstein of the week, Mandy!!

Mandy has been a busy bee this quarter, planning Eyeball along side with Lindsay, but I managed to ask her a few questions to help us get to know her better. :)

Here's how the interview went:

1. I know you've been working hard with planning Eyeball, could you share your experiences and what your visions were during the planning process?

EYEball has usually been pretty formal with debatable experiences, and I wanted to create an event where literally EVERY person would end the night without a doubt that it was worth the money spent, by far the best EYEball they could ever imaged, and gain lifelong memories. Lindsay and I started planning it back last May, and I'm still fine-tuning details three days from the event!

2. So I know that you're originally from Missouri, how does it compare to California?

I don't really remember too much since I lived in MO (for) a few years when I was a kid.

3.  What mode of practice do you plan to adopt when you graduate?

Private? Partnership? (I don't know) yet.

4.Tell us something we don't know about you.

I've never worn braces.

5. What are your plans for the holidays?

Going back home to the land of blizzards and ice. Lots of skiing, snowman building, sauna-ing, and hot chocolate!!!

·  For Contact Lens Lab this week we’ll be putting GP lenses onto each other
·  Be sure to wear glasses or bring your contact lens cases/solution with you
·  Bring the green pencil and GP lens fitting sets!
·  Thank you to everyone who made it to our Town Hall Meeting with Dean Woo last week. If you have any other unanswered questions or concerns, just shoot an email to the class cabinet.

Monday 12/8
Everyone meets for EBP Breakout Groups
·  Check Moodle for the Location and Time for your specific group
·  either 1pm or 2pm
·  Be sure to read the 2 articles on Moodle!
Tuesday 12/9
Wednesday 12/10
Thursday 12/11
8am Cornea and Contact Lens Exam
Friday 12/12
12pm Systemic Pharm Review
EBP - Bring laptops to class

That’s it for this week! Good luck on our first exam of the quarter :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Back to School Mode

Welcome back EYEnsteins!!

I hope everyone is coming back feeling relaxed and recharged! I know I feel ready to come back and attack another quarter :)

EYEnstein of the week:

If you haven't heard yet, we have a local celebrity in our class! This week the spotlight is yet on another recent addition to the EYEnstein family, Pauline See! (Her last name was made for this profession - so jealous!)

Here she was featured as a cover girl for a magazine! Hurry and get her autograph now before she gets too famous! :)

Let's get to know our cover girl a little better!

Coree: "So I know you did quite a bit of traveling this year and last year. Tell us a little more about your travels."

Pauline: "Yes, I did! I went to Hawaii, Portland, San Francisco, New York, and Toronto (last year). This year I went to Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Macau and Taipei. I love traveling, exploring new places and trying new cuisine!"

Me:"I remember seeing your wedding pictures last year! How is marriage life treating you and how do you balance it all?"

Pauline: "Marriage life is treating me well, my hubby is very supportive in everything I do. though in the beginning it was quite an adjustment for me since I did not know how to cook (i.e. I did not know how to boil water and he had to teach me) but now I'm better. I try to balance everything by making time to do different activities together, like exercising, movies, traveling, or date nights!"

Me: "You are a very talented knitter! What was the last thing you knitted and what other things do you like to do on your free time?"

Pauline: "Why, thank you! I think that last project I had was knitting beanies for babies which I donated to a local hospital. I used to have an Etsy shop, where I sold a lot of goodies I made, but not much time lately to update. Other things I like to do encompass all things arts and crafts! I like drawing, scrap-booking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, and baking. People have made fun of me on how my house is like little sections of Joann's (laughs) and of course I love to travel and find new places to eat!"

Me: "What mode of practice would you like to adopt once you graduate and what would your ideal career look like?"

Pauline: "Before I thought I'd want to do a solo practice, but now I'm open to a group practice. I think this will give me much more flexibility in personal life, and patients are still taken care of!"

Me: "How was the transition from EYEvenger to EYEnstein?"

Pauline: "I think my transition from EYEvenger to EYEnstein was very smooth. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming! I'm lucky to be part of this wonderful class!"

Just a few reminders…
  1. Contact Lens Lab – remember that RGP lens we received in lab last week? Be sure to analyze it and bring Welcome Back EYEnsteins!!
  2. When emailing Dr. Myung-Lee she has requested that we use our email address.  
  3. Lookout for Test Files this week, Dr.
  4. Badge Reels, Penlights, Clinic Pads fundraiser coming soon.

Events this week…
Monday 12/1
Tuesday 12/2
11am – Open House with Dean Woo
Wednesday 12/3
Thursday 12/4
Friday 12/5
Bring laptops to EBP lecture
EBP Endnote Presentation

Pauline and David wish the EYEnsteins a wonderful and safe holiday!

aren't they just adorbs?!