Sunday, February 9, 2014

Special Edition: Cabinet Spotlight of the Week

Our Cabinet Spotlight of this week features all the cabinet members, our baby pictures, and 5 unique/random facts about us! Enjoy reading them and good luck with finals! :)

President: Mario Cruz

1) A duck has 3 eyelids... that's pretty random.

 2) If I were stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere with no way out, and I could only have three items with me, I would bring: a bottle of American bourbon, a shotgun, and a my Sperry’s. Good traction is extremely important when drinking and shooting. 

3) I am a quarter of a century year old and I don't feel any different than when I was 5. Not even one bit!

4) Favorite Quote: "When in doubt, fog. And then fog some more" - I think Vikesland said this once.

5) One of my favorite things about SCCO is all of the quotes on the buildings. Makes my day everyday.

Co-Vice President: Mandy Polacco

1)  I've sung songs in 10 different languages

2) I did reforestation work in Ecuador (and nearly died twice)

3) My favorite color is mint seagreen

4) I played in the USA Volleyball Junior National Championship twice

5) I grew up with four siblings: one human brother, a scarlet macaw, a greater sulfur-crested cockatoo, and an African grey parrot.

Co-Vice President: Elaine Ngo

1) I am a Huge Foodie!!!

2) I used to be a sales person at a phone kiosk in the mall.

3) I absolutely love playing Volleyball/Football and going Snowboarding!

4) I was born missing a tooth...

5) I will never turn down Ice Cream or Fries.

Treasurer: Gary Chan

1) My first time surfing was in California not Hawaii.

2) My first celebrity sighting was at a performance of King Lear starring Ian McKellen in which he stripped down to nothing during the play.

3) I once owned a goldfish for ten years. I fed him cheerios and he eventually developed a cataract in his old age :(

4) I will never experience the same joy as I did when I tasted the Balsamic Strawberry ice cream at Bi-Rite.

5) I once thought it was a good idea to connect an electrical fan to an outlet using paper clips to complete the circuit. I am reminded of my stupidity by the small scar on my middle finger.

Co-Secretary: Tiffany Phan

1) I am a black belt in Taekwondo. I used to be able break bricks with my palm, break wooden boards with my kicks, and do 360 round kicks in the air continously when I was 13, but I am unsure if I can now.

2) I was born with monolid on my right eye and a double eyelid on my left eye, but when I turned 8, somehow it developed into a double eyelid. My right eye is still noticeably smaller than my left eye.

3) When I started living with Mandy, I started eating egg whites with spinach and mushrooms and sriracha everyday for lunch. I have eaten sriracha sauce my whole life, but never did I put them on eggs until now.

4) My boyfriend suggested I do the "Vote TP for Secretary" on a toilet paper roll since both our initials are TP. I was reluctant to do it because I thought it was stupid, but I guess it worked?

5) My youngest brother will be turning 14 on this year's Valentine's Day. He was born 2/14 at 2:14 pm. 

Co-Secretary: Kelly Moore

1) I was a really fat baby. Thankfully, everything worked out okay.

2) I've taken piano lessons for 12 years... and I still manage to suck.

3) My favorite disney movie is Tangled

4) I used to live in Japan when I was younger.

5) My favorite class in undergrad was stained glass :)

Co-Historian: Michael Tran

1) I could roam around Target for hours.

2) I've had an annual pass to Disneyland for over 8 years.

3) My new favorite Disney movie is Frozen!

4) I really enjoy wrapping presents. That's why Christmas is my favorite holiday!

5) I like watching home renovation shows. HGTV!

Co-Historian: May Sanguanlosit

1) Aside from mushrooms, I also like to collect spiders! I have a small collection of about 30 different spiders from various families that I keep in alcohol jars. I had to do it for a class I took at Cal and find it quite fascinating.

2) When I go to the movies I like to eat sour patch kids and dibs. Not together, of course.

3) I love to draw! It's been a while, but I took art classes back in the old days and also won a few local competitions!

4) I was born in May, therefore my name is May. My parents thought I was going to be a boy, they never thought of a boy's name and didnt think of a girls name in time.

5) I think I am slightly allergic to raw spinach. Like when I eat a salad with spinach my throat and tongue gets really itchy. I haven't died yet so I think it's okay.

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