Sunday, December 15, 2013

EYEnstein of the Week: Lindsay Fullam

"My daily goal is to improve the world around me!"

  • Born in: Lake Havasu City, Arizona
  • Favorite Music:  I like everything! rap, pop, country, EDM... 
  • One unique thing about Lindsay:  I want to travel to every continent. I've been to three so far!
  • Favorite sport: Basketball
  • Sees herself practicing optometry in: Southern California. Close to the beach!
  • Favorite  class this quarter: Visual Optics 
  • Favorite restaurant in Fullerton: Chomp
  • Lindsay's Xmas wishlist: I'm so bad at thinking of things to ask for... the only thing i came up with was hot pink Nikes!
  • Lindsay's plans for Xmas Break: Going home to Havasu

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