Sunday, August 23, 2015

EOTW: REY of sunshine: TERRA!

1. How was your time volunteering at Special Olympics?

I loved it! The first day was crazy busy but there was a lot more down time on the second day and we got to talk to athletes more. I met an adorable girl from Austria and she made my day!

2. What is your favorite TV Show?

-Parks and Rec! Recently, I also got into shows on HGTV, like Flip or Flop, which I binge watched before school started again. 

3. Why does your hair smell so good? Is it full of secrets?

-I cannot divulge.

4. Where would you like to travel to after graduation?

-Fiji - I want to go somewhere tropical.

5. Tell us something we don't know about you?

-I'm pretty good at impressions. I can do an excellent Brad Nuttall and Dr. Chang. 

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