Sunday, November 16, 2014


Where has time gone? We finished first week of Winter Quarter already?! CraZy!!

We're bringing back EYEnsteins of the Week and what better way to kick it off but by interviewing our newest EYEnstein, Andy Vuong!

Andy is a good friend of mine and he's HILARIOUS! I'm excited to introduce you to him! Here's how the interview went...

Me: How is it having your girlfriend, Amy, attend Western Optometry?

Andy: "It's awesome having Amy go to Western. I am able to meet a few kids and hang out with them from time to time. It also provides me another perspective of how other schools approach optometry outside of SCCO. Aside from sitting as her patient to be practiced on, I also get to use some of their equipment from time to time when we switch sides and it's fun using their brand new equipment. The slit lamps are SOOOO SMOOOOTH *drools* AND THE PHOROPTORS CLICK ALL THE TIME!"

Me: So I heard that you and Amy adopted a new baby! Congratulations! Can you tell us a little more about the little guy?

Andy: "It's similar to a baby. All he does is poop, fart, eat and get into trouble. He puts everything into his mouth. His name is Archer and Amy picked him up from a dog shelter in Riverside. We believe he might be part Basenji/German Shepherd/Dragon since he was able to chew and mess up Amy's brother's car rims pretty badly. He's 7 months old and is totally infatuated with my roommate Michelle Mendoza's 4 year old dog, LuLu, but it turns out that LuLu doesn't like younger men..."

Me: You live closer to campus now! How is it like living with 3 other women?

Andy: "It's TOTALLY GREAT! Other than comment...I do like the low rent though..."

Me: Smart man...haha! How do you like being an EYEnstein?

Andy: "I really appreciate how the EYEnstein Class of 2017 accommodated me during the Fall Quarter and really helped me integrate into the family. All I can say is, I am forever thankful for all of the kindness and patience you have shown me, and look forward to working and getting to know all of you."

Me: Awww...We love having you, Andy! Okay, last question: Tell us something we don't know about you.

Andy: "I used to play tennis competitively from the age of 5-18 years old and during my year off I spent my time coaching to make some money on the side. The funny thing is, I hate tennis..."

Class Reminders:
1.    EBP
a.    Make sure to bring your laptops/tablets to EBP lecture this week.
b.    Homework:
                                           i.        Homework #1 Due November 21st @5pm.
                                          ii.        Homework #2 Due February 5th @5pm.
2.    Binocular Vision
 .              Remember that huge expensive briefcase with tons of glassware in it? -- be sure to bring your trial lenses to ALL binocular vision labs.
a.            Bring your DO to lecture this week.
3.    Contact Lens
 .         Topography HW due by Lab 1.
                                                    .           Consult the lab manual for LOCATION.
                                                   i.           Create a profile for yourself, add "-CL" after your first name. It will show up in EMR as Last, First-CL.
a.       Bring 7x and GP fitting set to lab 2.
1.    EYEnstein Potluck Thanksgiving: Tuesday, November 18th @7:30pm
a.            2906 Redwood Circle, Fullerton CA
2.    Binocular Vision and Contact Lens Labs begin this week
3.    Lecture Capture will be uploaded to Moodle by Week 2.
4.    Have printing issues, let Gary Gray from IT know -
5.    The class cabinet is setting up a town hall meeting with Dean Woo, the final date is TBA, but expect it to be sometime after Thanksgiving break.
6.    Spirit Week is this week!! Come out and show your SCCO @MBKU spirit, support your team and competing classmates. :)
7.    The Google Calendar looks flawless as usual, but if any adjustments need to be made please let Jaymie and Olave know.

Week 2 Events:
1.    Spirit Week - Week-long events: Spirited Selfies & Penny Wars

Monday (11/16)
7pm Spirit Week Cooking Contest
Tuesday (11/17)
6-7pm Test Nerves
8pm Spirit Week Movie Night
7:30pm EYEnstein Potluck Thanksgiving
Wednesday (11/18)
8pm Spirit Week Trivia Night
Thursday (11/19)
Friday (11/20)
Saturday (11/21)

We hope you all have a fun-filled Thanksgiving Holiday break!! See you back on Monday, December 1st :)

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