Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 9

How's it going EYEnsteins!? How is it week 9 already? We've had a tough quarter so far but we just have a few more weeks left to go. Hang in there guys, WE CAN DO IT! There's light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. Let's finish the quarter strong and show these profs our A game! ;D

Here are the weekly updates! Down below are a few pictures from this quarter so far. Good luck this week EYEnsteins! <3

1. Some changes to the lecture schedule this week:
Monday 2-4pm: Dr. Yoshinaga, Ophthalmic Optics
Thursday 10am-12pm: Dr. Ng, Sensory Vision
Thursday 1-3pm: Dr. Comer, OHP

2. Vote for Professor of the Quarter! Within the survey you can also suggest a cool gift for your favorite prof!

3. Watch out for our Halloween fundraiser coming up. We are doing Trick-or-Treat goodie bags!

4. Thanks to those of you who followed the three practice times rule we set for OHP practice hours. Considering there are still spots open, we are allowing one additional practice hour (now four max). If you currently have more than four practice times on the doc please take your name off so others can sign up.

5. We have had couple problems with OHP boxes not being complete when turned in. I know a lot of times we are in a rush and its hard to see in those dark lanes but try to be more careful.

6. We are trying to work with Dr. Lu about checking out OHP boxes during the weekends… The library schedule is hard to work around! Stay tuned…

7. OHP Lab Final Scheduled for Thursday, October 30th is set aside for those who need to remediate the final lab proficiency.

8. There have been some concerns regarding the Finals schedule. After speaking with the cabinet and Dr. Brookman about possibly shifting some exams around, it looks like there won’t be enough flexibility to do so :(

Coming up this week…
Ophthalmic Optics Final Proficiency
OHP Visual Field Quiz due Saturday, October 18th
WRC at Western U coming up this weekend

Monday (10/13)
Tuesday (10/14)
8am - Case Analysis Midterm 2
Wednesday (10/15)
10am - Deadline to vote for Professor of the Quarter
Thursday (10/16)
9am - Clinical Medicine Midterm 2
Friday (10/17)
4pm - OHP 216 Practice Schedule Starts

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