Sunday, August 17, 2014

Welcome Back EYEnsteins!

We hope you all had a summer jam packed with fun, happy times! 

Ready for second year to start?? (Me neither, it’s ok, but we’re all here for each other right!? ;D lol). Enough of all those EYEvenger’s horror stories of second year right? WE GOT THIS. Let’s start this year strong and live up to our namesake! 

Your historians, Coree and Liz, are in charge of birthdays and we thought we would change it up a little… Besides the balloon, we are going to put a birthday card on the bulletin board in the back for people to sign if they’d like to. :D

In case you missed it in one of the emails, here are the google calendar links for the lecture and lab calendars. Also! If you get stuck adding these calendars to your iPhone go to this link here: (and hopefully this works similarly for non-iPhone users!) You just need to click the check boxes for the lecture calendar and your lab calendar and save. 

And what you’ve all been waiting for--the exam schedule! lol

Thanks EYEnsteins! Have a great first day of second year tomorrow! 

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