Sunday, January 5, 2014

EYEnstein of the Week: Kelly Moore

  • Born in: Honolulu, HI
  • Favorite Music:  I listen to all sorts! but mostly reggae/hawaiian when I am missing home.  
  • Hobbies:  Going to the beach, hiking, baking, crafting and sleeping! zZzZzZzZz
  • Favorite sport: Basketball
  • Sees herself practicing optometry in: Hawaii! duh :)
  • Favorite  class this quarter: Clinical methods because we are able to apply the info we are learning 
  • Favorite place to eat in Fullerton: I can never turn down pieology... 
  • Best Xmas gift this year: Having my best friend visit while I was home
  • Most exciting thing Kelly did this winter break: Go home to paradise

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