Thursday, October 24, 2013

#TBT (Throw Back Thursday) a couple of weeks ago! 

We thought we'd throw it back to a couple weeks ago to some pretty awesome events: the annual basketball tournament against WUCO and Pediatric Vision day!

A big congratulations goes out to all who participated in the annual basketball tournament against WUCO, especially to our fellow EYEnsteins! You guys were all AMAZING! We're happy to be adding another trophy to the collection.

On another note, wasn't pediatric vision day awesome? Not only did we get to take our white coats for a test run, we got to interact with patients and help change lives. It's only a small taste of what's to come, how exciting! 

Take a look at some pictures from both of these events below.

 Check out more pics from the basketball tournament  HERE
Check out more pics from Pediatric Vision day HERE

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