Monday, October 28, 2013

2013 Winter Quarter Google Calendars

Hey everyone!

Attached are the links for your google calendars for winter quarter. Please remember these schedules are TENTATIVE and are subject to change (some labs we may not have every week). We will update them as soon as we receive more information. Please delete your old calendars from fall quarter and add these ones. All calendar links will change from last quarter EXCEPT the special events calendar. Please do not delete that one :) Also, note that there are no exams up on the exam schedule calendar yet because we have not received any information on when our winter quarter exams will be (i.e. which exams will be on tues/thurs). The exam calendar will be updated as soon as we receive more information.

*Note: For our first week of winter quarter, there are additions/changes to lecture (specifically Clinical Methods 660) and for Clinical Methods Lab (only Lab C) on Monday and Tuesday. Original schedule will resume starting second week. 

Go to then follow the instructions below:
1. At the bottom of the calendar list on the left, click ADD and select ADD A FRIEND'S CALENDAR.
2. Enter the appropriate email address (the ones listed below) in the field provided, then click ADD.

*For those utilizing iCal, here is the link to show you how to convert the calendar:


SPECIAL EVENTS(Same link as last quarter): 


As always, if there are any mistakes please do not hesitate to contact us via fb, text, or email. We are more than happy to correct any mistakes :)


Your Class Cabinet

Sunday, October 27, 2013

EYEnstein of the Week: Edward Tran

"I look forward to dessert when dinner doesn't follow through!"


  • Born in: San Diego, California
  • Favorite Foods:  Durian, Peking Duck, Duck Meat and Soybean Paste Soup (Vit Nau Chao)
  • One unique thing about Edward:  His dad tried shaped his ears with scotch tape to make them look normal after he was born.
  • Favorite vacation spot: London, England.
  • Favorite activity/hobby: Watch TV with a bowl of ice cream
  • Biggest pet peeve: When you ask someone a simple question and you get a 30 minute lecture without answering the question in return.
  • For Halloween, Edward will be: a generic superhero
  • Favorite Class this Fall Quarter: Ethics
  • Least Favorite Class this Fall Quarter: Practice Management
  • If he could be another SCCO student on campus, he would want to be: any 4th year on campus


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Professor of the Quarter Fall 2013

"We want to congratulate Professor Kapoor for winning Professor of Quarter!"

Thank you everyone for participating in the poll and staying after class to take a picture with our favorite professor this quarter. Again, thank you to the cabinet members who helped put this together! Professor Kapoor was very thankful and enjoyed teaching our class. We will definitely miss him!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Trick or Treat Tuesday

Thank you to our staff for providing us with such great delicacies to sweeten up our Tuesday!

Want to see more student affairs trick or treating pictures? Click HERE

Thursday, October 24, 2013

#TBT (Throw Back Thursday) a couple of weeks ago! 

We thought we'd throw it back to a couple weeks ago to some pretty awesome events: the annual basketball tournament against WUCO and Pediatric Vision day!

A big congratulations goes out to all who participated in the annual basketball tournament against WUCO, especially to our fellow EYEnsteins! You guys were all AMAZING! We're happy to be adding another trophy to the collection.

On another note, wasn't pediatric vision day awesome? Not only did we get to take our white coats for a test run, we got to interact with patients and help change lives. It's only a small taste of what's to come, how exciting! 

Take a look at some pictures from both of these events below.

 Check out more pics from the basketball tournament  HERE
Check out more pics from Pediatric Vision day HERE

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Carving Contest

A couple weekends ago we hosted SCCO's very first pumpkin carving contest! Originally the pumpkins were to be judged on the best carving and the worst carving. However, since everyone did such a fantastic job we ended up awarding first and second place for the best carved pumpkins. Congratulations to Tiffany N. for winning first place and to Alex S. for winning runner up!

On behalf of the class cabinet, we'd like to thank everyone for coming out to our first event. A big thanks also goes out to ELAINE and MANDY for planning such an awesome event! Check out the pics below taken by your lovely historians, Michael & May. 

Want to see more pumpkin carving pictures? Click HERE

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall 2013 Professor of the Quarter

Hello all,

It's about that time to start voting for professor of the quarter. Follow the link HERE to submit your vote. Voting will end Wednesday night at midnight.

Happy Monday! :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Class Cabinet

Hello Fellow EYEnsteins,

Our class cabinet has finally got the blog up and working. Please check periodically for the latest class news, class event pictures, EYEnstein of the week, and much more! First of all, we would like to introduce the class cabinet, starting with....

Mario Cruz

Mandy Polacco & Elaine Ngo
Co-Vice Presidents 

Tiffany Phan & Kelly Moore

Gary Chan

Michael Tran & May Sanguanlosit