Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Last post EYEnstein of the week as Second years :)

Well, We've made it! We're only weeks away from being big and bad 3rd years!! Who better to lead us than our last EYEnstein of the week as 2nd years, Mitul Patel!!

1. Congrats, President! What motivated you to want to become Class President?

First and foremost, I love being part of this class and I think we have the brightest, most talented people on campus in the class. It may sound cheesy, but I am so glad I took a year off before applying to optometry school. Aside from that, I want to be president because I feel like I have a good relationship with most individuals in our class and I want to be someone they can easily approach with concerns, questions, etc. Also, from being part of SA Board this year, I’ve developed pretty good relationships with many of the faculty members at the university and feel like I could do a good job of being the liaison between them and the class. Lastly, it is or final year that we will all be together as a class before we head off to rotations, so I want to try and make it the best, most fun year we have so that we can cherish the memories later on. Sorry for sounding like a big advertisement for myself, guys… The question asked for it, haha. 

2. How was the transition from NorCal to Socal?

It was easy because I love it here… except for the traffic, haha. I do think people in NorCal are nicer though (don’t hate me SoCal kids)!

3. What was your favorite memory from second year?

So far, it is Vision Expo in Vegas. There was a big turn out and it was a fun way to learn about advancements in our field and enjoy each other’s company… But I think it’s going to be replaced by when we turn in our final final and walk out of A102 as third years. 

4. Tell us something we don't know about you.
I like to think I’m an open book because I’m kind of loud and abnoxious (at least I can admit it, haha). I’m allergic to Vicodin?

 5. What has been an eventful clinical experience so far?
Last quarter, when we were shadowing in PC clinic, a patient fainted right after I instilled fluorescein in her eyes. I thought I did something wrong, but instead of freaking out, I reclined her chair, elevated her legs, and got her water. Her mom was in the room and she said it happens all the time (I was like, “lady, you gotta get this checked out” in my head). I was pretty proud of myself, and the 4th year I was shadowing, for keeping our composure and actually being the doctors we want to be. Dr. Lu eventually came in and she was pretty proud about how things were handled, even though it wasn’t really the procedure we learned for systemic emergencies, haha. When she asked the patient what happened, she replied that she got freaked out by her Optos images that were open on the computer. I didn’t show it, but I was pretty relieved it wasn’t because of me...

Hey Eyensteins!!

I can’t believe the time has come for us to take ALL of our Final Proficiencies this week. It’s been a long quarter and we’ve worked so hard to get to this point. There’s a rough schedule coming up this so I hope everyone is well prepared and at least got some sleep this weekend!! Good luck to each and every one of you on the OHP proficiencies Mon/Tues, as well as for CL and VT lab (but we all know those are way overshadowed by OHP). We can do it!!! I’m going to keep this weeks email short and sweet for you…

1.    As of right now Clinic Orientation currently scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th from 2:30-5:00pm (as originally planned). I still have yet to hear back from Dr. Chu, but he is aware of the conflicts and will try his best to accommodate everyone.
2.    No Optical shifts this week!
3.    Next year’s class cabinet is still looking for two people to take on the position of Historian! Contact me for more details.

Coming up this week…
1.    OHP Final Lab Proficiency
2.    Non-Strab BV Final Lab Proficiency
3.    Contact Lens Final Lab Proficiency
Monday 5/3
OHP Final Lab Proficiencies
5pm - Ocular Disease TA Review
Tuesday 5/4
OHP Final Lab Proficiencies
8am - Pharmacology Midterm 2
Wednesday 5/5
Thursday 5/6
9am - Non-Strab BV Midterm 2
Friday 5/7
12pm - Non-Strab BV TA Review

Don’t forget to wish your mom a Happy Mother’s Day next Sunday!!

Again, good luck this week, I know you’ll all do great :)