Saturday, May 3, 2014

Last EYEnstein of the Year: Jen Eichelmann

"I'm an easy going airplane nut that loves chocolate!"

  • Went to Undergrad At: All over the place! But I did my optometry pre-reqs at University of Missouri, Kansas City
  • Favorite Movie:  Romancing the Stone
  • Favorite Fruit:  I'm more of a vegetable person, but if I had to pick I'd say raspberries.
  • Hobbies: Going to air shows, playing with my dogs, scrapbooking, catching up on Netflix
  • Most exciting thing that happened to Jen this year:Driving across the country with two dogs in the back seat was pretty exciting experience, especially our stop at the Grand Canyon!
  • Favorite class this quarter: Clinical Medicine
  • What Jen does on her leisure time: I like to try new Pinterest recipes.
  • Jen's plans after finals: Sleep!! And then have a Gray's Anatomy marathon on Netflix.
  • What Jen's plans are for summer: Visting friends in NorCal, visting my boyfriend Jerry, and enjoying time before second year hits.